Geometry Love, Legal Notice
General information about this website:
Geometry Love.
Adriana Salazar Photo
Siret: 80270668900014
17 Rue des Charmettes 38600 (France)
- This website and all of its contents, including the texts, images, sound recordings, databases, code and any other material, are the property of the Geometry Love or third parties who have authorized their use by the institution. All of this material is subject to the current legislation on intellectual property. The respective owners reserve their right to take appropriate legal action to redress any harm or damage caused by any act that infringes upon their intellectual property rights over the contents.
- Geometry Love has implemented the security measures needed to keep its website and servers free of malware. Secure access to the website (such as in the case of intranets) is provided through the HTTPS protocol.
- This website may contain links to third party websites. When visiting these websites, you are subject to that third party’s own rules and policies.
- Geometry Love reserves the right to update, change and modify its website at any time without notice.
- Any dispute involving the Geometry Love website shall be conducted in the courts and tribunals of Barcelona, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.
Personal data protection
The processing of any personal data provided by users of the website is subject to the provisions of the regulations on personal data protection. However, the Geometry Love website is not a publicly accessible source as stipulated by the regulations.
a) Form data
- This website contains a form that collects personal data.
- This website’s processing of personal data will be limited to what is adequate, relevant and not excessive to meet the specified, explicit and legitimate purposes for which the data have been obtained. The security of users’ personal data is guaranteed by the application of technical and organizational security measures.
b) Connection data
Connection data are implicitly generated in the use of internet communication protocols. The data generated by browsing the Geometry Love website will be used strictly for technical purposes and by staff who are bound by a duty of secrecy.